Thank you John, I enjoy reading about your writing process. I want to write a novel, but don’t know quit how and where to start. Reading about what you are doing gives me a guide. ✍️📚

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The only other thing I would add... Just start writing. Your voice will come to you. My wife didn't like my first book - didn't finish it. Didn't even try to read the 2nd (it's a sequel). I didn't bother to show her the 3rd...

But she loved the 4th and is pushing me to put it out.

"Just keep writing. You'll write a ton of shit but you'll eventually mine some gold." - filmmaker Edward Burns.

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Thanks, Charlotte! 😊

I say brainstorm…. Work your ideas. And make notes. You can approach it anyway you want!

I just sat down one day and started writing. I did it as a way to process some family trauma that had resurfaced. So, I put it into a fiction novel. Nobody wants to read my life story…. At least not in book form. 😂😂😂

For this book, I'm trying to break down chapters - story development, character, etc.

I picked up some articles online here and there, but found that not a lot of it applies anymore. There's so many new avenues, styles, etc. I don't consider myself an amazing novelist… I'm struggling to even get published, but I read some NYT bestsellers and said, “I can do better than this.”

I SAY GO FOR IT! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

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