Wait! Post 100?? Wow! Wow to writing music too. My husband and son are able too also. A gift. It amazing me. A listen later

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I wish I could write music. I'm “cheating” and using AI to adapt my lyrics. I just keep generating until I get something I like. 😁

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Writing music is poetry, right? The Ai part I'm still learning. My Gen Z child teaches me Very cool either way

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The website I use is called suno.com. Not perfect, but gets the job done.

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Well, I consider poetry just lyrics.

But writing songs takes music and that comes from musicians. That's my overly analytical brain talking. 😂

I used to have people tell me that because I could sing and sang in bands that I was a musician.

But I always looked at it the same way as The Who's Pete Townshend : Roger is just a singer. 🤣

(Though Daltrey could play guitar)

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Pete could sing too and write. Both so talented (understatement). Musicians come in many forms. They are artists. The voice is an instrument. So yes, you are a musician.

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I'm one of the very common people who hates their voice. Don't know that I'd ever post myself singing online. 😂

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Very nice! I’d say Steph deserves a lot of credit here. 😄

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Yeah, she thinks so too. 😂

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