dude, i've been fecking about with music/audio/video creation tools within the space of AI. All you gota do, is paste your lyrics into those very advanced system and then start telling the AI the structure accordingly. It aint as crap as that just read, its litterally getting to be a really 'feck off' stage of creation especially in the AI Music Generators field. You should check tht shit out man....great fecking lyrics seriously. Question is 'would i know'. Yea feck you, I'd know. I'd know.

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Here's the most recent lyrics I wrote. I tend to crank out lyrics if I get into a rut listening to music. I was listening to a lot of the Clash and Pearl Jam when this came out.


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Thanks, man! Really appreciate it. I've flirted with the idea of learning guitar so I could work on music. Did it once in the past and it felt too much like work. LOL

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Thats the point of using 'AI' - it will generate it or allow you to set rules/instruments beats/style/ and break it up. Not some shity crapy 90s or noughties tech stuff man, but crazy stuff. just fecking do it (as nike would say).

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Do you use a specific tool or website? I haven't dug into the AI stuff too much.

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give me fiteen minutes.... I AINT FECKING JOKING (what is it with Irish dudes who curse and swear a lot, i know, i know)

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email me via thatsfeckingnuts@gmail.com I'll send you 6 mp3's just done for saltwater... i've put them in a google drive doc.

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