Great work, John!

I especially love this stanza:

A gentle falling rain

It crackles in the falling light

The serenading of falling raindrops

In the gentle cascading of the falling night

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Thanks, brother.

Was out on the balcony, taking in the calm.

I took a couple photos to go with this, but couldn't capture what I wanted.

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This is good. It feels so timely since the forecast calls for rain here shortly! Very tranquil!

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Thank you! 🙏🏼

I'm lucky enough to be right across from the beach. It has few moments of calm, since we're on a busy street, but in those moments, I can hear the waves... So perfectly calming.

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@John Brown You’re welcome! That sounds amazing.

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It has its good and bad. Too many people in "my front yard" ... hahaha

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@John Brown 😂😂😂

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